Opportunities for 2023

John Honeycutt


Thank you for your prayers and support. Your generosity is accelerating the spread of the Gospel!

As the spiritual war for the souls of men, women, and children races towards the final showdown, let's ask God for wisdom daily together. 

Here are the amazing opportunities available in starting the new year.  

  • Translation of our Journey Discipleship resources into Vietnamese. Goal: $680
  • Medical-Dental Outreach Clinics treating 2,000 men, women, and children at a new church and presenting the Gospel. The goal is $395 each for medicine for five clinics and $1,975.
  • Five Pastors are ready to Plant a Church in China for $900 each. Goal: $4,500
  • Chinese Bibles with our Discipleship Materials with a goal of 4,000 Bibles for $8,000.

It's impossible to convey the gratitude, thankfulness, and praise to the Lord we see and hear because of your help and concern.  So many  have been saved this year!  

Together, let's do all we can before the Lord returns.

John and Cathy Honeycutt
Church Planters