Souls Saved

John Honeycutt

Our Pastors had some wonderful outcomes recently. 

Here is one..."during the lockdowns several months ago, we witnessed amazing results, thanks to your support.

My family and I live in a tall building with 30 floors, and there are 20 residences on each floor.

We took advantage of this and went floor by floor, offering prayers for the sick, providing foodand medicine, and sharing the Gospel.

To our delight, so many people accepted Christ genuinely that we were able to form several new churches.

It was truly a miracle."


Next Events to Pray for...

  • Pray for our Discipleship Workshops in April and May with Pastors.
  • Pray for new Medical-Dental outreach clinics in April and May in the Philippines - 51 made a profession of faith in Christ in the February 25th outreach!
  • Pray for our Bible Institute graduates in May as they begin full-time ministry.
  • Pray for the Leadership training meetings in August and September and the starting of new churches from those meetings.

Your prayers and support enable us to work full-time in planting churches and multiplying disicple-makers.

Thank you,

John and Cathy Honeycutt