Merry Christmas and Thank You

John Honeycutt

Thank you for your prayers and support.  

Your generosity is accelerating the spread of the Gospel!  

Many new Christians are experiencing their first Christmas as a Believer.
I ask our Pastors in closed areas how we could pray for them and their church.  

One Pastor  sends this request every week; "Pray that our church can meet again next week."  

Every week he sends that request.

As the spiritual war races towards a showdown lets especially ask God for wisdom and help for our brothers and sisters serving the Lord faithfully with the Word of God.

Journey Bible Institute translation into Arabic.  
The Bible Institute takes our Journey discipleship lessons deeper to train those called to serve full-time.  

We are 50% through the translation of 300 pages.

The translation is $10 per page; after donations were received last month, $320 is now needed.

1500 Bibles were funded last month. 
Our churches are multiplying, and the requests for Bibles are every couple of weeks now.  Thank you.

Two new Pastors are ready to Plant a Church (two were funded last month) 
$900 will provide 100 Bibles, 100 Discipleship Lessons, and one Noodle Stand for income  while the offerings grow.

Thanks so much and Merry Christmas,

John and Cathy

Donate Here - Thank You