2022 Ready to Launch!

John Honeycutt

Thank you for your prayers and support.  Your generosity is accelerating the spread of the Gospel!

2021 Full of Blessings
We've never distributed more Bibles than we did last year!  We've never had more obstacles either.  I know you and other prayer partners have been faithful because there were so many ways plans could have gone wrong...but they didn't. 

A new church was planted every month last year also!  The final reports are being assembled from the Pastors, but I know that every day people accepted Christ in 2021! 

There are many other answers to prayer, including discipleship translations, existing churches starting to multiply disciple-makers in five different countries, and more. Thank you and Praise the Lord!

2022  Ready to Launch
This year we are preparing to distribute more Bibles, multiply more disciples, plant more new churches, and, God willing, our medical team in the Philippines to help new churches again.

Chinese New Year begins February 1, and a new church is funded and ready to start.  Please pray that God will give  wisdom for each decision, including location, finding those receptive to the Gospel, and a meeting place.  

Thank you again for praying and your partnership. 

John and Cathy Honeycutt