
John Honeycutt

In just a matter of weeks, another new year will arrive. 

We desire to reach as many with the Gospel as possible, multiplydisciple-makers, provide the Word of God, and establish new Bible-preaching churches. 

So the projects below all have those goals integrated into their purpose.  Thank you for considering them.

Consider these Opportunities for 2023

Translation of our Journey Discipleship resources into Vietnamese.  Goal: $680

Medical-Dental Outreach Clinics treating 2,000 men, women, and children at a new church and presenting the Gospel.

The doctors, dentists, and nurses are all volunteer Christians from churches in Manila.

The bottom right picture is at a clinic near with doctor. The goal is $395 each for medicine for five clinics and $1,975.

Five Pastors ready to Plant a Church in China for $900 each

This includes 100 Bibles, 100 Discipleship Lessons, and starting them as a Preschool for security purposes.

They become self-supporting in four months on average. Goal: $4,500

Chinese Bibles with our Discipleship Materials

They are $2 each, with a goal of 4,000 Bibles for $8,000.

The Bible describes the time just before Jesus comes back as the worst time in human history.

However, I also believe it will be the best time for the people of God because we'll easily find those men, women, and children who are receptiveto knowing answers.

Let's pray together for wisdom and the grace we need.

John and Cathy Honeycutt
Church Planters