Ready to Launch

John Honeycutt

Thank you for your prayers, support, and special offerings.

2023 was Full of Blessings

*  We've never distributed more Bibles than we did last year, a clear indicator of the growing desire for God's Word. 

*  Twelve new churches were established! 

*  And a new Bible Institute began!

And there are many other answers to prayer, including discipleship translations, disciple-makers multiplying in five countries, and more. 

We've never had more obstacles, either.

I know you and other prayer partners have been faithful because projects could have gone wrong in so many ways, but they didn't. 

Thank you, and Praise the Lord!

Let's pray for a great year in spreading the Gospel and reaching souls for Christ!

John and Cathy Honeycutt


  • God willing, we are preparing to distribute more Bibles and multiply more disciple-makers, and the first two National Church planters are ready to start in a few weeks. 
  • Also a significant training meeting is scheduled that may be the most impactful meeting I could imagine. 
  • Pray that God will give wisdom for each decision.